Found this very informative article from, which says a lot of the same things we say to people all the time. But it is a good read! Working with your Spouse …
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Success Strategies for Living and Working Together
By Alowetta
Found this very informative article from, which says a lot of the same things we say to people all the time. But it is a good read! Working with your Spouse …
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By Alowetta
You can read spreadsheets and financial statements, goals and vision statements, and website content all day long but there is one thing you will never learn from your business. You will never …
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By Alowetta
Or anyone else for that matter. The truth is… ...people are hard to work with sometimes. Regardless of who your co-worker is, there are times when other people just ANNOY you. They chew their …
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By Alowetta
How do you stay connected as a couple, when you are surrounded by work all the time? If your business is one where the two of you physically are in proximity to each other, it can feel suffocating …
By Alowetta
For many years in the nonprofit world, one of my favorite tasks was to help Boards and groups in a Mission Statement and Vision for their nonprofit. Sometimes this came under the umbrella of a …
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By Alowetta
We are some of those ‘working RVers’ who have chosen to travel and work and created a business and lifestyle that can support that. However, we aren’t the typical young millennials that are seen in …
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